sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014

My opinion about racism

Colombia is a multiethnic and multicultural country. It´s mean that, in this country is permitted be just as people be, including their race and skin color. Colombia is the result of a racial mixture. That’s why we as Colombians mustn’t discriminate anyone especially regardless of race.
Racism in Colombia is something that must not exist. It is something that has not logic. Purebreds long time ago ceased to exist in Colombia. Pure white people, pure black people, pure yellow people does not exist. So I believe that is important take into a count the information provided on the video, and is really important to be consciousness of the situation of discrimination that some people live. It is something that must not happened, in my opinion; Racism it’s something ridiculous that have not real bases. 

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

Hi! Sandra Coronado, an student of Intercultural Communications. I was born in Cartagena de Indias, Bolivar, a touristic city called too "El corralito de piedra" or "La Heroica",  in the coast of Colombia; but I live all my life in Barranquilla, Atlántico, the city of Colombia called too "la puerta de oro de Colombia" or "la arenosa". Now I study Industrial Design on Uninorte with an scholarship that the university gives to me. I am studing english and italian in Uninorte. I really love design that is why I want to visit Italia, Germany, Swiss, Canada, Brazil, Taiwan and South Africa . I love to travel, cook (I want to study a postgraduate of food design), eat, read, dance, paint, draw and crochet.